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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Trading on Etsy

I have recently found that trading is rife on etsy and what a fantastic idea.

It's as easy as a dollar for dollar exchange of goods. You find something you like in someones store and ask if they'd like to swap it for something in your store for the same value.

All costs are compared and any difference is either made up with a little something extra or by a small payment to the relevant parties paypal account.

Etsy are haapy, they still get their commission and listing fees and you're happy because you got something you possibly could not otherwise afford.

Marvellous for all parties. So what have I been up to lately. Well trading of course. So far I've done 4 trades. I've received items from one of them already and thought I'd show what I traded and what I got in return.

In this instance the seller approached me because she liked this pair of earrings

and I got these

She's an absolutely lovely lady and I hope she likes her earrrings as much as I like my cards. Why not visit her store you might just see something you like

I'll show you what else I get from trading as it happens

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I limit myself to a few trades a year and will only trade for items in stock, not for custom. I think it does often work out quite well, especially with the limits I've put on it for myself.